The FLOWpresso™ experience

FLOWpresso™ has improved the lives of people in all kinds of ways, both physically and mentally. If you’re on the fence about whether to give it a try, read on for how it could help you.

An experience like no other

FLOWpresso™ works wonders in many ways for all types of people

FLOWpresso™ is a non-invasive therapy that uses a combination of compression, far infrared and deep pressure to encourage relaxation, sleep and energy.

The Experience

Three simple steps

FLOWpresso™ is not painful. It’s just like receiving a professional massage. The great thing though, is FLOWpresso™ can work on your whole body at once.

You are fully clothed at all times and are assisted by a trained technician who helps you into the suit that applies the treatment.

During the treatment, you lie horizontally with your feet, legs, abdomen and arms enclosed in the suit. For complete immersion, we offer headphones & an eye mask. The next forty minutes are yours to repair, recover & rejuvenate. 

During the treatment you receive three types of therapy:

  1. Compression
  2. Far infrared
  3. Deep pressure

The FLOWpresso experience is slightly different for every individual. Many say it helps them feel light, refreshed, de-stressed, rested and more connected with their body.

See our FAQs for more detail.

The Benefits

FLOWpresso™ clients and health professionals claim the following benefits:

What are some of our clients saying?


Frequently Asked Questions

If you still have a question, please feel free to Contact Us

Clinics are available on the North Shore & on the Hibiscus Coast.

Contact us for more details

You can book online or call us to make an appointment.

40 minutes or children under 14 is 25 minutes.

We recommend a minimum of three days between each session, and on average one session per week.

This will depend on the person and their reason for having FLOWpresso™ sessions.  Our recommendation for someone is to have a minimum of three sessions, one per week.

Ready To Make A Booking?

Book a FLOWpresso treatment today